BONPRIX ÉLECTROMÉNAGERS | Since 2007 | Financing Available* Click here to financing

Montreal: 514-899-1122      Laval: 450-629-1122     Longueuil: 450-646-1122
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Privacy policy

Faced with the development of new communication tools, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the protection of privacy. This is why we are committed to respecting the confidentiality of the personal information that we collect.

Collection of personal information

We may collect some or all of the following information:
  • Name
  • First name
  • Address
  • Postal code
  • Email address
  • Telephone / fax number
  • Credit Card Number
  • Gender / Sex
  • Age / Date of birth
    The personal information we collect is collected through forms and through the interactivity established between you and our website. We also use, as indicated in the following section, cookies, log files and / or web beacons to collect information about you.
    Forms and interactivity:

    Your personal information is collected through forms and transmitted to us. Among these could be:
    • Form, including order form
    • Survey
    • Competition

      We may use the information thus collected for the following purposes:

      • Order tracking
      • Provide you with information / Promotional offers
      • Statistics
      • Contact
      • Website management (presentation, organization)

        Your information may also be collected through the interactivity that may be established between you and our website, as follows:

        • Statistics
        • Contact
        • Website management (presentation, organization)

          We may use the information thus collected for the following purposes:

          • Correspondence
          • Provide you with information / Promotional offers
            Log files, cookies and web beacons

            We collect certain information through log files and cookies. We may also use web beacons on our website and in our emails. This mainly concerns the following information:

            • IP adress
            • Operating system, type of browser and / or email client
            • Pages visited and requests
            • Time and day of connection and / or opening of emails

              The use of such files can allow us to achieve:

              • Improving service and personalizing advertisements
              • Tracking control
              • Statistics
                Sharing of personal information

                We may share the personal information collected with third parties for the following reasons:

                • Consumption profile
                • Order execution
                • Advertising

                If you do not want your personal information to be communicated to third parties, you can object to it at the time of collection or at any time thereafter, as mentioned in the following sections.
                Choice for cookies

                As explained above, several types of cookies, with different purposes, are used on our site. Some are necessary in order to be able to use our services. You can :

                1. Delete and manage cookies from your browser, in order to eliminate cookies already deposited and / or configure it to refuse the deposit of new cookies. You can also configure your browser so that it informs the websites you visit that you do not want to be followed by them.
                2. Use other tools developed by third parties to disable certain cookies.
                  Option 1: Delete and manage cookies from your browser
                  For Internet Explorer® : s

                  For Safari® :

                  For Google Chrome® :

                  For Mozilla Firefox® :
                  For Opéra® :

                  Option 2: Use tools developed by third parties
                  or Google® Analytics cookies to track website traffic :

                  For Google remarketing ads:

                  For Facebook add :
                  Mailing lists, newsletters and email advertisements

                  You can choose to subscribe to one of our mailing lists. In this case, we may send you newsletters and email advertisements. You can, at any time, decide to change the information that is saved about you or to unsubscribe from these mailing lists. You can also contact us to ask us to delete your information and / or to export and send it to you.
                  Right of opposition and withdrawal

                  We are committed to offering you the right to oppose and withdraw your personal information.

                  The right of opposition is understood as being the possibility offered to Internet users to refuse that their personal information be used for certain purposes mentioned during the collection.

                  The right of withdrawal is understood as being the possibility offered to Internet users to request that their personal information no longer appear, for example, in a mailing list.

                  To be able to exercise these rights, you can contact us:
                  Right of access, rectification and portability

                  We are committed to recognizing a right of access, rectification and portability to data subjects wishing to consult, modify or receive information concerning them.

                  To be able to exercise these rights, you can follow the procedures described above. If you have any questions, you can contact us:

                  The personal information we collect is kept in a secure environment. People working for us are required to respect the confidentiality of your information.

                  To ensure the security of your personal information, we use the following measures:

                  SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol
                  Network monitoring software
                  Computer backup
                  Login password
                  We are committed to maintaining a high degree of confidentiality by integrating the latest technological innovations to ensure the confidentiality of your transactions. However, as no mechanism offers complete security, there is always some risk involved when using the Internet to transmit personal information.